Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Small Charity Week

Rathbone was represented at the Small Charity Week Celebration Day in Russell Square on Saturday. We were hoping to find some new Trustees for the charity.

It didn't rain (hooray!) but was very windy and the Lime trees in the square played havoc with our CEO's hay fever.

The event was not awash in members of the public but it was nice to get the chance to meet lots of other charities.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Monday morning floods

No, not tears, an actual flood!

Monday morning at Chatsworth Way dawned to a flood of almost biblical proportions (well, about 10 inches anyway) in our basement. Heavy rain and problems with drainage in the past have caused floods before, but never so deep.

This flood, however, was not weather related or, indeed, an act of God. A hosepipe had been left out over the weekend and someone, who shall remain fully nameless, turned it on and left it.

We have lost a fair amount of equipment, supplies and some paper archives although we will need to wait a few days for the water to fully drain before the full extent of damage can be properly assessed.

Some wet things

Ah, Mondays.